Friday, July 10, 2020

माइनॉरिटी कमिशन एक फ़्रॉड- पुष्पेन्द्र कुलश्रेष्ठ

माइनॉरिटी कमिशन एक फ़्रॉड

पुष्पेन्द्र कुलश्रेष्ठ

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

मोदी चीन की रीढ़ की हड्डी तोड़ने में लगा है बॉर्डर पर- सारी चीनी इंडस्ट्री को नेस्तनाबूद करके ही दम लेगा

मोदी चीन की रीढ़ की हड्डी तोड़ने में लगा है बॉर्डर पर- सारी चीनी इंडस्ट्री को नेस्तनाबूद करके ही दम लेगा

जैसे ही चीन पीछे हटने लगता है वैसे ही भारत कुछ न कुछ ऐसा कर देता है की वह पीछे न हट पाये... जैसे की आज प्रधानमंत्री पहुँच गए लेह!

तो ये भारत चीन के बीच का जो मामला चल रहा है बहुत से लोगों को आइडिया भी नहीं है के ये खेल क्या है... इस पर टॉर्च मारने की एक कोशिश करते हैं 🙂

आपने देखा होगा की कोंग्रेसी कहते रहते हैं की चीन अंदर घुस आया ... चीन अंदर घुस आया... और सरकार कहती है की नहीं घुसा नहीं घुसा... फिर भी आपने बहुत से समझदार लोगों को यही कहते सुना होगा की चीन अंदर ही आया हुआ है... ऐसा सब टेक्निकल भाषा की वजह से कनफ्यूज़ होता है ... लेकिन सच तो यही है की चीन उस क्षेत्र में घुसा हुआ है जो की बफर ज़ोन है... याने जो बीच में खाली छोड़ा जाता है। और वह ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा घुसा हुआ है... तो एक तरह से वह भले भारत की क्लीयर क्लीयर सीमा में नहीं है... याने हमारी कोई पोस्ट उनके कब्जे में नहीं है ... लेकिन बफर ज़ोन में वह कुंडली मारे बैठा ज़रूर है...

लेकिन इसका असल सच ये है की भारत ने उसे वहाँ फंसा लिया है... भारत ने उसे दाना ड़ाल के अपने जाल में फंसाया है... और अब न आगे बढ्ने देगा न पीछे हटने दे रहा है 🙂

लेकिन क्यों?

तो जनाब इसके लिए आपको भारत की चाणक्य नीति समझनी होगी... की जो दिखाई देता है वह असल में होता नहीं है... और जो होता है वह असल में दिखाई नहीं देता है...

असल में क्या है? असल में ये है की हमारे प्रिय पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री सरदारजी चुप्पी सिंह जी के समय में बहुत सारे कांड हुए... जिसकी वजह भी ये कॉंग्रेस और चीनी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी के बीच का करार ही थी... जो देखने में कांड जैसे नहीं लगते हैं लेकिन समझने में लगते हैं... इसकी वजह से चीनी कंपनियाँ भारत में आई... चीनी सरकार इनको सबसिडी देती रही, जिसकी वजह से उनके सामान हमारे यहाँ लागत से भी सस्ते पड़ने लगे... तो हमारे लघु उद्योग अगर लागत पर भी बेचें तब भी चीन से सस्ता न दे पाएँ... इसकी वजह से सब घरेलू उत्पादन बंद... ठप्प। और इस सब में हमारे देश को 30 लाख करोड़ का घाटा हुआ है... और चीन को समझिए की इस से भी ज़्यादा फायदा... तो यह कॉंग्रेस चीनी पार्टी घोटालेबाजी असल में 30 लाख करोड़ की है।

अब इन चीनी सब कंपनियों को भारत कैसे भगाये? क्यूंकी WTO के सदस्य होने के नाते भारत ऐसे ही तो इन से व्यापार बंद नहीं कर सकता... न ही प्रतिबंध लगा सकता। लेकिन राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा का मुद्दा होने पर सब हो जाता है... इसलिए भारत ने यहाँ ऐसे ऐसे बयान देना शुरू किया जिस से की चीन भड़के...

तो आपको अमित शाह का संसद में वह बयान याद होगा जिसमें उन्होने खूब ज़ोर से कहा था की जान दे देंगे... लेकिन अपनी ज़मीन नहीं देंगे... और जिसमें पीओके के साथ साथ अकसाई चिन का भी ज़िक्र किया था। बस तभी से चीन को अकसाई चिन जाने का ड़र सता रहा है ... साथ ही गिलगित बाल्टिस्तान में तो चीन की जान फंसी हुई है क्यूंकी उसके बिना तो उसकी वन बेल्ट वन रोड ही फंस जाएगी... जिस पर चीन अरबों डॉलर लगा ही चुका है...

तो चीन ने अंदर आना ही था... लेकिन वह इस बात के लिए तैयार नहीं था की भारत ऐसी प्रतिकृया देगा और बात लड़ाई तक आ जाएगी... बार्डर पर सैनिक भिड़ गए और दोनों तरफ के सैनिक शहीद हुए... बस यहीं से मामला राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा का बन गया है... और अब इस राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा के मुद्दे को बीच में ला कर भारत धड़ाधड़ चीनी कंपनियों को बाहर का रास्ता दिखाये जा रहा है...

वह इसे ऐसे ही नहीं कर सकता था... लेकिन अब कर सकता है... इसलिए जैसे ही चीन पीछे हटने की भी कोशिश करता है तो भारत उसे फिर से उकसा देता है... हटने नहीं दे रहा... की भैया अभी हमने सब चीनी कंपनियों का इलाज नहीं किया था ... तुम कहाँ चले... ?

लड़ाई एक अलग मसला है... लेकिन पहले भारत चीन की रीढ़ पर प्रहार करेगा... जैसे पाकिस्तान की तोड़ी है... वैसे चीन की पूरी तरह तो नहीं तोड़ सकता लेकिन उसे कमजोर और खुद को सशक्त तो ज़रूर कर सकता है... युद्ध तो किसी के भी हक़ में नहीं... इसलिए बड़े स्तर का युद्ध न भारत करेगा और न चीन... कम से कम फिलहाल नहीं करेगा... लेकिन होने को कुछ भी कभी भी हो जाये वो अलग बात है...

सीमा पर टेंशन बनाए रखना अब भारत के और विश्व के हक़ में है... और भारत यही कर रहा है... चीन की रीढ़ पर भारत अपने हिस्से का प्रहार कर रहा है... बाकी विश्व अपने हिस्से का करेगा।
नमन है देश के प्रधान सेवक और हमारी सेना को....वंदेमातरम🙏🇮🇳🚩

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Now that Chinese-Viruses have retreated from Galvan and all Finger-Points in Ladakh, it’s time to peep into history. This article is based on an exposition delivered by incumbent Mizoram Governor at VIF, New Delhi few years ago.

Regular Chinese intrusions started right in 1954 itself !! Nehru used to write Sob-letters to Chinese PM Chou En Lai in the language of a jilted / ditched lover begging him not to treat us so shabbily !! In reality, there is no border dispute at all !!
When Dalai Lama did not demand Bhutan/Sikkim/AP/Ladakh from Bharata at their instigation, Chinese annexed Tibet.
It was a speech that stunned the entire audience.

Now that Chinese-Viruses have retreated from Galvan and all Finger-Points in Ladakh, it’s time to peep into history. This article is based on an exposition delivered by incumbent Mizoram Governor at VIF, New Delhi few years ago.

Regular Chinese intrusions started right in 1954 itself !! Nehru used to write Sob-letters to Chinese PM Chou En Lai in the language of a jilted / ditched lover begging him not to treat us so shabbily !! In reality, there is no border dispute at all !!
When Dalai Lama did not demand Bhutan/Sikkim/AP/Ladakh from Bharata at their instigation, Chinese annexed Tibet.
It was a speech that stunned the entire audience.

By Ramakant Tiwari

महापाप किया है इस देश के कथावाचकों व बाबाओं ने

कई मित्र पूछते हैं कि मैं हिन्दू मठाधीशों व बाबाओं को गालियाँ क्यूँ देता हूँ :

शान्तिदूत अल्लाह व इल्ज़ाम के लिए लड़ रहा है ।

मिशनरी धर्मान्तरण करने के लिए लड़ रहा है ।

वामपंथी सामाजिक न्याय के लिए लड़ रहा है ।

हिन्दू किसके लिए लड़ रहा है ?

यही महापाप किया है इस देश के कथावाचकों व बाबाओं ने ।

हमें लक्ष्यहीन कर दिया है ।

गीता में योगेश्वर कहते हैं ‘ योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् ‘ अर्थात् सम्यक रूप से किया कर्म ही योग है ।

हिन्दू बाबा कहता है सत्यनारायण की कथा पर करोड़ों ख़र्च करो । तुम्हारा वंचित , निर्धन हिन्दू मरता मर जाए , पर तुम सत्कर्मों से स्वर्ग में बुकिंग कराओ ।

कृष्ण का पूरी गीता में एकमात्र संदेश है : सघन कर्म ।

पंडा स्वर्ग-नर्क के झूठ सुना कर कहता है- पूजा करो ।

हिन्दू बच्चियाँ रोज उठ रही हैं घरों से ,
रोज हिन्दुओं की हत्याएँ हो रही हैं ,
हलाल अर्थव्यवस्था हमें खोखला कर चुकी है ,
बॉलीवुड व क्रिकेट मध्यम वर्गीय हिन्दू को खा रहे हैं ,

पर हमारे तोंदू मस्त हैं ।

बची खुची श्रद्धा वाले हिन्दुओं का रक्त पीकर मस्त हैं ।

ऐसे निकृष्ट लोगों को गालियाँ ना दूँ तो क्या करूँ !

सत्य सनातन वैदिक , हिन्दू धर्म हमारी आँखों के सम्मुख नष्ट हो रहा है ।
पर तोंदू कह रहा है कल्कि अवतार आ रहे हैं ।


Ashoka syndrome would soon become the Prithviraj syndrome

An interesting article by a retd army officer

P.S - I'm not a M  bhakt 😑

In India, it's never about ideology. It is only about civilisation. And to put it on record this is why PM Modi faces a massive smear campaign from a powerful lobby. But this did not start in 2014. It started long ago, we have to go back by centuries to understand this.

India wasn't born in 1947, because unlike many other countries we got independent and not created afresh. Therefore, what happened before 1947 is as important as what happened after 1947. The most underrated event in our history being the Kalinga war of 265 BC.

The war changed Ashoka, the famous Mauryan ruler but it would also change India for centuries to come. The emperor became pacifist. Whatever be his own ideology, it is very easy to confuse reluctance to wage war with a senselessly defensive mindset.

For years to come, the Indian civilisation became utterly defensive. Succeeding Indian dyanasties and emperors would avoid expansionism. But their ability to perceive and pre-empt threats also went down. Compromise and forgiveness became the keywords of our civilisation.

The Ashoka syndrome would soon become the Prithviraj syndrome. Indians have been valiant warriors, but the issue is that of excessive magnanimity. Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Muhammad of Ghori in 11th century, but let him go. Later, Ghori defeated Prithviraj and blinded him.

In the course of this thread, you will realise how we would keep getting betrayed just like Prithviraj Chauhan another 10 centuries later. Anyway, Prithviraj Chauhan's unnecessary magnanimity allowed Islamic conquest of India. This, of course, led to centuries of plunder.

After the Kalinga war, we never achieved a system that would match up to the aggression against Indian civilisation. The unnecessarily defensive regime would give way to Islamic conquest, and Islamic conquest would give way to the British Raj.

Needless to mention, the social thinkers and commoners also became timid about their own civilisation. Britishers made us believe that we were misogynist and archaic. Some of our most celebrated social thinkers relentlessly promoted British education as a panacea.

As I told you, everything is about civilisation. Every successive regime shamed anyone who tried to stand up for civilisational pride. British era gave way for the Nehruvian era. India's political leadership again ordained that India would adopt strategic restraint

China entered our territory. So India's first Prime Minister said, "not a blade of grass grows" in those barren mountains. Of course, no one in the intellectual lobby protested. Nehru was doing what they wanted him to do. Be magnanimous to the extent of being self harming.

Nehru was only continuing what started with the Kalinga war. Then came Indira. She suffered the Prithviraj syndrome. Won the 1971 war, but gave away the exploits in Shimla Agreement. Pak turned another Ghori. ISI came up with a doctrine- bleed India through a thousand cuts.

This doesn't end here. Vajpayee faced the wrath of the ecosystem for many reasons. The only thing they don't criticise him for is not crossing the LoC during the 1999 Kargil war. This is again a manifestation of extreme generosity. Pak could cross the LoC but not India.

The Parliament attack happened, we didn't retaliate. Operation Prakram never materialised into anything. Few years later, 26/11 happened. But India's then PM Manmohan Singh chose "strategic restraint". No one in a powerful lobby criticised him.

As long as you don't go beyond the Laksham-rekha that has been drawn by centuries of timidity, no one will rebuke you. But PM Modi went a step further. Pakistan attacked in Uri, so the Para SF caused damage to terror launchpads across the LoC.

With the Balakot airstrikes, he still went several steps further. Of course, he is hated. After several centuries, India is pre-empting threats. We had stopped pre-empting in 265 BC, how come we could pre-empt now. Modi-hate is not about ideology, it’s about civilisation !!!
I wish n I hope that this Modi succeeds in transforming our mindset for the other Modis to follow the suit, coz one Modi will not be sufficient enough to clear the rot accumulated through centuries.
Modi will turn it around. Pok before 2024 and a free Tibet perhaps some time after that. I have full confidence now. Of course there will be turbulence in between because nothing good comes so easy.

sooner they better need dharma established Adharma annihilated no mercy just follow Krishna and Gita in its entirety

George Soros Vs Modi

George Soros Vs Modi

Monday, July 6, 2020

डॉ श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी जी की जयंती पर कोटि-कोटि नमन

मानवता के उपासक, प्रखर राष्ट्रवादी विचारक, महान शिक्षाविद, जनसंघ के संस्थापक व हमारे पथ प्रदर्शक परम श्रद्धेय #डॉ_श्यामा_प्रसाद_मुखर्जी_जी की जयंती पर कोटि-कोटि नमन। 🙏

Today is the birth anniversary of Syama Prasad Mookerjee, the founder of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh and one of the main ideal of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

On 20th June in 1947 the Bengal Legislature voted for Partition of Bengal prior to the partition of India. Thus West Bengal was created where Bengali Hindus got into a separate province & ultimately merge in India instead of being stalked & tortured as minority in erstwhile East Pakistan.

He laid down his life for Integration of Jammu Kashmir with India.
Pranam to the great statesman & founder of #Jansangh Dr Shyama Prasad Mookerjee who made it possible. 🙏🙏🙏

More notes

Are Communists compulsive liars? A compulsive liar is one who cannot help lying even if he knows he will be caught very soon. I am being forced to come to that conclusion upon reading a long diatribe on Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee in their daily Bengali rag ‘Ganashakti’ (which used to be forced upon people till 2011, but now nobody reads it). They have tried to be clever,mixing half-truths with brazen falsehoods and hiding very important facts.
Difficult to enumerate all such on twitter/Facebook.
Just a few examples:

1. The author has put the cuckold Mountbatten’s words in Sardar Patel’s mouth.

2. He has said that SPM’s resignation speech made no mention of Kashmir or Art 370 but omitted to mention that SPM’s resignation had NOTHING TO DO WITH KASHMIR-it was in protest against Nehru’s stupid pact with Liaquat Ali which tried to sweep under  the carpet the horrible persecution of more than a crore of minority Hindus by Muslims in East Bengal

 3. In fact *SPM till 1951 was primarily concerned with Muslim atrocities in East Bengal which Nehru tried to brush aside*. He applied himself to the Kashmir problem only thereafter

4. He mentions that the RSS was banned by Patel following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, but forgets that the BAN WAS LIFTED by the self same Sardar Patel, while Guruji Golwalkar declared, ”We’ve changed nothing”. Many more such.

The worst carnage was over in about 3 weeks beginning 10 October 1946. Meanwhile the police and military had swung into action. Syamaprasad and Gandhiji both went there after the atrocities had subsided. *SPM’s main contribution, with the cooperation of Swami Madhavananda of Ramakrishna Mission, was to persuade Hindu society to accept back the Hindus who had been force-fed beef or forcibly converted or women who had been raped.* This was a very difficult task,but he succeeded. Gandhiji tried to ‘change the hearts of Muslims and to persuade Hindus to return to their half-burnt homes. He failed totally in spite of very hard work over 2-3 months. If you want to know more about this you may read biography “Syama Prasad Mookerjee: Life and Times” (Penguin Random House India).

*Savarkar was already very ill around this time. That is why he handed over working presidentship of the Hindu Mahasabha to SPM shortly after the latter entered politics.*

ten Plan of 3rd June 1947, as signed by both Congress and Muslim League, and announced the same day in the British Parliament by the Prime Minister Clement Attlee the same day.
*The Indian Independence Act, 1947, as approved by the King on 18th July 1947, accordingly clear provisions for splitting India into majority Muslim and non-Muslim districts on the basis of 1941 Census.* It is, therefore, disingenuous to quibble about why non-Muslims are the target of this 2019 Act.

*What this CAA does is to clearly recognise the Medina-Hudaibiyah-Mecca route of the Islamic Ummat/Millat and places a sword through it.*

_The additional problem of the whole plot coming into bold relief in this information age is even more stark._ *_What it also does is to energise the nascent Hindu renaissance by bringing into their ken the real history of partition, the real intent of the Medina project, and to wear off the anaesthesia applied to the still open wounds by a deliberately distorted Leftist history._*

The distress among the Islamists is palpable. Pakistan sounding even more distressed than at the time of nullification of Article 370 is because it can clearly see that while the nullification of Art. 370 meant a termination of the Medina Project, this new 2019 Act means a reversal, in which Mecca is coming for Medina, instead of a mere status quo. *Dr. Ambedkar had famously said in his book ‘Pakistan and the Partition of India’ that Muslim politics is like Gangsters’ politics, in which they make more and more unreasonable demands, use riots as a tactic in the overall strategy, while playing victim all the while.*

_The present Government seems to have called this bluff. This must be bad news for Islamists as both Britain and the secularists had played along with this brand of Jinnah’s politics, conceding almost everything. Only Patel and Shyama Prasad Mookerjee stood between the Islamists and total surrender. Only Gopal Patha of Calcutta and the Sikhs stood between Islamists and total annihilation of non-Muslims in Pakistan._

While the above is the casus belli for the Islamists, Ummat and Millat, the pain of the secularists is purely from the point of view of electoral considerations. BJP had got 37.76% votes in 2019 General Elections by itself, and 22.9 crore votes, and over 45% vote for the NDA.

_First, if the secular parties are not able to protect the fortress Medina, the Islamic vote would gravitate to a more militant Islamic outfit, in the manner it shifted between 1937 and 1946. However, there is no Britain to aid them and no situation like one third of Army being Muslim exists today, as it existed in 1947._

_Second, the freshly added voters, particularly in Bengal and Assam, have the potential of taking the BJP vote share beyond 40%, and NDA vote share close to 50%, making it virtually invincible for many years to come._ Hence the life and death kind of noise and attempts at mayhem.

In the 72 years since independence, this appears to be one great opportunity that has been taken by the ruling dispensation, unlike the many missed opportunities of the past.

Never was the ideological assault on the Islamic Project of New Medina more remorseless! Pakistan is bound to feel absolutely distressed.

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