Monday, September 13, 2010

The fact is the exodus of Kashmiri pandits was an act of ethnic cleansing plain-and-simple.

The fact is the exodus of Kashmiri pandits was an act of ethnic cleansing plain-and-simple.

Separatists so very easily dismisses the exodus of Kashmiri pandits as a tragedy. An this is typical of most Kashmiri muslims. 

The fact is the exodus of Kashmiri pandits was an act of ethnic cleansing plain-and-simple. 

And the people who stood by and let it happen are as guilty as the people who perpetuated it. 

Secondly, if Separatists expect the people of India to believe that the current situation wherein leaders are using the stage of a place of worship to whip up a mass frenzy as not being communal, well, all I can say is that, maybe she should think about pulling the wool off her own eyes first.

And thirdly, in "Jammu" and Kashmir and "Ladakh", no solution will be possible if religious and other minorities are not brought to the table and their opinion be given the same weight which the Kashmiri muslim community has given itself. 

Additionally, I hope Separatists does remember the fact that word Kashmir itself is derived from the the name of the great rishi "Kashyap", or is it that Separatists do not want to acknowledge any of their "Hindu" heritage. 

Because, in the end I believe that her identity question is linked to the fact that Separatists or their ilk cannot think about being part of a land where the majority are hindu.

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