Sunday, September 12, 2010

.........if you are a kashmiri, I am a bihari.. thank you

...if you are a kashmiri, I am a bihari.. thank you

The media has just picked up 'azadi' as if it was in air. Likewise all kashmiris do. No one knows what this is about. A huge bunch of misguided populace. 

if truth be told, theres nothing wrong calling one self kashmiri. So I am Bihari and there are Punjabis, Tamils and so on. If you are a kashmiri, I am a bihari for you. Its only to foreigners that I would call myself *Indian*. So whats the big deal if you call yourself kashmiri ?

Moreover the freedom that these guys are fighting for can not be given, coz they already have it. What more freedom can be given when one is able to pursue their careers, study engineering or medicine, practice their faith, travel to any part of Indian territory, choose their own governance, then what else is freedom all about ? 

The harsh face of India that these guys love to hate, is not harsh because of a mandate. Its harsh because it has to take care of security. I do not feel humiliated when a police guard frisks me at airport. and so should kashmiris not get humiliated when they are frisked at checkpoints. Security is only as strong as its weakest link. A class 5 kid knows this, why kashmiris do not ? 

Moreover, if the troops really were to kil kashmiris, they could do any time. But they do not coz they need to maintain law and order, that is usually disrupted by brainwashed freedom chanters. And what about the millitants. Those who cry for removal of AFSPA, what will they do when millitants run over their home tomorrow ? 

A democratic state must take every measure possible to maintain law and order. India is democratic and is doing the same. having said this, democracy does not mean that one should have the right to do whatever they wish. Democracy does not exist in vacuum. There is a structure supporting it, and if kashmiris want to hit at the base of that structure and call it their democratic right, then I am really sorry. Such right can not be granted. 

And talking of plebiscite, India has been more than honest to maintain kashmiris demographics. It has not allowed people from outside the state to settle in. on the other hand pakistan has allowed punjabi and non kashmiri settlers to settle in PoK. A plebiscite was for the entire state, not just for Indian part of kashmir and the plebiscite can only be held if pakistan vacates its part of kashmir of punjabi and sindhi settlers. 

Some people want to compare kashmiri freedom struggle with India's freedom struggle. I would like to mention that India's struggle had an very divine element in it. it was a struggle against a force who was subjugating the Indian populace economically and socially. Here the Indian state is giving tons of money to the kashmiris, upholding artilcle 370 and having army deployed to fight militants. Oh Boy I would consider my self a VIP if India deploys army in front of my house to keep thieves away. Such is the level of royalty the Kashmir are enjoying. 

And if you really want to compare your struggle with India's freedom struggle, then how about this , Gandhi ji made his own clothes and not buy British made, will some one please ask Mr Geelani and his ilk to not take Indian pensions, not travel on Indian passports, not avail medical facilities in Delhi and prefer dying instead ? These selfish morons have nothing to show on their resume if this truggle fizzles out and so they are doing it, and foolish kashmiris are following them, as if once freedom is granted they will have a better quality of life and more ways to pursue their life happily. Such an utopia is only possible in Indian rule and now where else. 

its up to the kashmiris to realize their dreams by not hating India. because this freedom struggle never existed. kashmiris have helped defy pakistans designs of annexing kashmir in 1965 war. There was peace till 1989. What happened post 1989 ? pakistan created the problem and told that freedom is the answer, and close-eyed kashmiris have been towing the line since then.

Till the kashmiris realize that Indian forces are there for their good, nothing can help them.

Finally, if you are a kashmiri, I am a bihari.. thank you.

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