Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Indian concept is-- SANATANA DHARMA- "Cosmic Balance and Eternal-Universal Righteousness"

The Indian concept is-- SANATANA DHARMA- "Cosmic Balance and Eternal-Universal Righteousness".
Religion is a western concept. The Indian concept is neither religion, nor hinduism, nor any 'ism'.

The Indian concept is-- SANATANA DHARMA- "Cosmic Balance and Eternal-Universal Righteousness".

The key concept of Dharma is an integrative concept. At its noblest, it combines harmony with the universe, self-fulfillment and truth of the self with the ideas of action as duty, action as its own spiritual reward and man as the holy vessel.

Hence the true Vedantic spirit, which is the most rational and humanist principle, does not impose a system of beliefs. It surpasses all religious dogma and cultural limitations.

It possesses absolute liberty and unrivalled courage with regard to the facts to be observed and actions to be performed.

And...never having been hampered by a priestly order, every man in India has always been entirely free to search wherever he pleased for the spiritual explanation of the spectacle of the universe.

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