Friday, February 12, 2010



Welcome to the IPCNW (INDIA PLACEMENT CONSULTANTS NET WORK ) Group at Yahoo! Groups. Please take a moment to review this message.


Kind Att : The Placement Consultant

* What happens when you get requision from your client company & you have no appropriate CVs available because of any reason whatsoever & you donot wish to miss the opportunity ?

* What happens when you get requision from your client company & you have no appropriate CVs available because the position is based in a distant place where you are not having any branch office & hence no CV ?

* What happens when the Candidate you have spent a LOT of time, efforts and MONEY in finding, interviewing and selecting by your client company decides to " drop" AFTER accepting your Offer and does NOT join the Organization ?

* What happens when the company you have spent a LOT of time, efforts and money in finding, interviewing and selecting people meeting its requirement decides to " drop its requirement all of a sudden" AFTER interviewing the candidates & / or the candidate is made to join the Organization later on the sly ?

* What happens when the company you have spent a LOT of time, efforts and money in finding, interviewing and selecting people meeting its requirement delays the payment as per the usual contract / or does not intend to release the payment even when the candidate is working there / or has left the company even after the contractual replacement period ?

* Is there a Forum dedicated to these issues on an on-going basis so the Recruiting Community as a whole can act to reduce these malices ?


...INTRODUCING INDIA PLACEMENT CONSULTANTS NET WORK (IPCNW) for thrashing out aforesaid & MANY OTHER ISSUES..AND FINALLY EVOLVING INTO AN ASSOCIATION( IPCNW is Already having over 195 Placement Consultants across

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