Friday, July 9, 2010

Government is like sex:

Government is like sex: some like it, some do not, but too much of it is likely to give more pain than pleasure.The Indian Government is becoming, in the somewhat exaggerated words of a well-known industrialist, a sex maniac on the rampage, bent upon raping the whole country. 

Rapist or not, the Government is easily the biggest monopolist. 

Its tentacles have spread to every area. Like some monolith-creating machine, it has a finger in every pie, a foot in every door and a puppet on every string. It is India™ biggest employer, landlord, exporter, trader, capitalist, socialist and go-between. 

It has replaced the maharajahs as the exclusive doler of patronage and learnt to create instant caste systems reminiscent of the Raj. Thirty-one years after Independence, the Government has succeeded in corroding the independence of its people.

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