Sunday, July 11, 2010



2.1 District Doda was carved out of the erstwhile District Udhampur in the year 1948. There are 132 Patwar Halqas and 652 villages in the District with its area spread over 11691 sq. kms and is the third largest District of the State after Leh and Kargil in geographical terms. The District has a population of 691929 souls as per 2001 census and comprises Tehsil Doda, Kishtwar, Bhaderwah, Ramban, Banihal, Thathri, Gandoh (Bhalaessa), Chhatroo, Marwah, and Atholi. Doda District is surrounded by District Kargil in the North-East, Himachal Pradesh in the South-East, District Anantnag in the North-West and District Udhampur in the South-West.

2.2 The District is endowed with vast wealth of natural beauty and extensive rich forest areas. The region is surrounded by snow clad lofty mountains from all sides and mighty river Chenab flows through it. The District is rich in mineral deposits of lead, mica, gypsum, manganese, marble, graphite, copper etc. The sapphire mines of Paddar are famous all over the world. Agriculture is the main occupation of 80% of the population of the District.

2.3 District Doda abounds in scenic valleys, snow clad peaks and popular trekking routes which offer a variety of tourist spots. With the opening of Chhatroo – Daksum road via Synthan pass and Basholi – Bani – Bhaderwah road, these spots will become added attraction for both foreign as well as domestic tourists.

2.4 In view of vastness of the District and inconvenience being faced by people living in far flung areas, there was acute necessity and pressing demand from the public for creation of more administrative units. The Government has now sanctioned, few new administrative units within the District Doda and the Demarcation Committee asked to define geographical boundaries of the following administrative units:-

1. Kishtwar - District
2. Ramban - District
3. Gandoh - Sub-Division
4. Atholi - Tehsil

2.5 The Committee visited Doda District for five days and met people representing different shades of opinion, when a number of representations were submitted to the Committee during its visit to places like Kishtwar, Gulabgarh, Atholi, Gandoh, Thathri, Doda, Ramban, Batote and places enroute.

2.6 The Committee has also given due consideration to the views of the sitting as well as Ex. MLAs/MLCs who met the Committee during its visit to District Doda and also given due weightage to the recommendations made by the District Administration, while framing proposals for the defining of geographical boundaries of the new administrative units.

2.7 Detailed recommendations in respect of new District Kishtwar including Tehsil Atholi and new District Ramban are separately discussed in Chapter V&VI respectively of this report. Other recommendations concerning District Doda are contained in para 2.8 onwards.


2.8 Tehsil Thathri and Tehsil Gandoh were carved out of Sub- Division Bhaderwah. District Doda had one Sub-District Ramban, two Sub-Divisions namely Kishtwar and Bhaderwah. While Ramban and Kishtwar have been upgraded as Districts, Tehsil Gandoh has been upgraded as Sub – Division. This way there again remain two Sub-Divisions i.e. Bhaderwah and Gandoh with three Tehsils namely Bhaderwah, Gandoh and Thathri in District Doda. As such, in any case one Sub-Division is to have two Tehsils while the other will remain Sub-Division for one Tehsil. It may be in place to mention that the distance from Thathri to Gandoh is only 30 Kms whereas distance from Thathri to Bhaderwah is around 60 Kms. Moreover, one has to first reach Pul – Doda and then take another transport for going to Bhaderwah, causing inconvenience to the public.

The motorable road from Thathri to Gandoh is in the process of upgradation which when completed, will make road journey from Thathri to Gandoh shorter and more convenient as compared to journey to Bhaderwah. Thus, on the basis of contiguity and administrative convenience Tehsil Thathri is in closer proximity to Gandoh than Bhaderwah and it will be in the larger interests of the public of Tehsil Thathri that it is made part of new Sub- Division Gandoh.

2.9 In view of the above considerations the Committee proposes that new Sub-Division Gandoh shall comprise, Tehsil Gandoh and Tehsil Thathri. Accordingly, the details of Patwar Halqas and villages forming part of the Gandoh Sub-Division are indicated in Appendix II-1, while map showing the Sub-Division boundaries is marked as Appendix II-2.

2.10 Further it is mentioned that during the visit of the Committee to Gandoh a demand was projected that twenty three villages falling in three Patwar Halqas namely Kansoo, Jora and Malanoo be attached with Tehsil Gandoh after their deletion from Tehsil Thathri.

2.11 Another demand received by the Committee during its visit to the area pertains to attachment of eleven villages of Patwar Halqas Patnazi and Jawalapur commonly known as Bunjawa with Tehsil Thathri after their detachment from Tehsil Kishtwar on the ground of proximity of the area and convenience of the people.

2.12 Similarly, at Thathri a demand was projected that Patwar Halqa Barshala of Tehsil Doda be attached with Tehsil Thathri for the convenience of public residing in that area as these four villages are situated in the close proximity of Tehsil Headquarter Thathri.

2.13 The Committee discussed these demands with all concerned including District Development Commission Doda. It may be added here that the Wazir Commission in its report has also recommended for inclusion of Patwar Halqa Barshala with Tehsil Thathri as also addition of Patwar Halqa Kansoo with Tehsil Gandoh.

2.14 After considering all claims/counter claims in respect of these demands and taking into consideration, the proximity of Patwar Halqas, administrative convenience and public demand, the Committee recommends as under:-

i. Eight villages of Patwar Halqa Kansoo namely Kansoo, Bathri, Indlu, Dichhal, Bhatoli, Dharyouth, Piyakal, Kuthyara with population of 5744 be deleted from Tehsil Thathri and added in Tehsil Gandoh. The demand for attachment of Patwar Halqas Jora and Malanoo with Gandoh is not found justified and agreeable.

ii. Four villages of Patwar Halqa Barshalla, namely Barshalla, Balwana, Bhakhna, Dalkhankote with population of 4152 be attached with Tehsil Thathri after their deletion from Tehsil Doda.

iii. Eleven villages of Patwar Halqas Jawalapur and Patnazi namely Jawalapur, Kewa, Mori, Balagran, Chamoti, Tipri, Patnazi, Kither, Binoon, Nali and Zerwar with population of 13972 be attached with Tehsil Thathri after their deletion from Tehsil Kishtwar.

iv. As discussed in detail at para 6.2(v) read with para 6.4(ii) of Chapter-VI of this report Patwar Halqa Chaka Kundi comprising three villages namely Chaka Kundi, Topneel and Bibrota of Tehsil Doda has been proposed to be added with Tehsil and new District Ramban after its deletion from Tehsil Doda.

2.15 In the light of recommendations at para 2.14 the particulars of Patwar Halqas and villages forming part of Tehsils Thathri, Gandoh and Doda are contained in Appendix II-3, II-4, II-5 respectively, while the maps indicating limits of these three Tehsils are marked as Appendix II-6, II-7 and II-8 respectively.

2.16 After taking into consideration the additions and deletions as discussed in pre-paras and also after carving out two new Districts Kishtwar and Ramban, District Doda would now comprise Tehsils Doda, Bhaderwah, Thathri and Gandoh with 67 Patwar Halqas and 410 villages, the details of which are indicated in Appendix II-9 and the boundaries there of are indicated in map marked as Appendix II-10.


S.No. Name of Patwar Halqas Name of Villages

1. Jagota i. Kothipain
ii. kothibala
iii. Dhera
iv. Kolai
v. Madren
vi. Puneja
vii. Netwas
viii. Drai
ix. Jagota
x. Jhandani
xi. Agreka
xii. Thalela
2. Panshei i. Pemasa
ii. Kavani
iii. Kengah
iv. Chagsoo
v. Hagoona
vi. Gurekra
vii. Malhota
3. Kandote i. Inderala
ii. Sharote
iii. Renkha
iv. Kandote
v. Haneja
vi. Pernote
4. Bhalara i. Shekla
ii. Nai
iii. Jashola
iv. Changnu
v. Bhalara
vi. Garonda
vii. Kundi
viii. Jhajka
5. Bhella i. Dronjmani
ii. Panthan
iii. Shibnote
iv. Herani
v. Dronkarani
vi. Bhella
6. Jora i. Jia
ii. Hojabolla
iii. Sournga
iv. Sichhal
v. Ranote
vi. Jorakhurd
vii. Budhi
viii. Jorakalan
ix. Halaran
x. Gallu
xi. Shamdelai
7. Rukali i. Sahan
ii. Rukalikhurd
iii. Sharni
iv. Bolian
v. Rukalikalan
8. Malanoo i. Tanta
ii. Batogra
iii. Chaba
iv. Malanoo
v. Kahitrankal
vi. Goela
vii. Batola
viii. Gogara
ix. Kancha
x. Nagni
9. Jangalwar i. Dadian
ii. Chuteri
iii. Nandna
iv. Kahla
v. Kathava
vi. Thathri
vii. Mahri
viii. Jangalwar
ix. Cheera
x. Phigso
10. Baja i. Gosti
ii. Benola
iii. Devki
iv. Baja
v. Sunarthawa
vi. Amritgarh
vii. Dhala
viii. Bachhra
11. Patnazi i. Patnazi
ii. Kither
iii. Zerwar
iv. Binoon
v. Nalli
12. Jawalapur i. Chamoiti
ii. Kewa
iii. Tipri
iv. Mori
v. Jawalapur
vi. Balgran
13. Barshalla i. Bhakhna
ii. Balwana
iii. Barshalla
iv. Dalkhankote
14. Jakyas i. Jakyas
ii. Chanyas
iii. Amratpura
iv. Chalri
v. Bhatyas
vi. Beli
vii. Talogra
15. Budhli i. Champal
ii. Sanwara
iii. Gandu
iv. Tendla
v. Budhli
16. Chilli i. Manoo
ii. Chillipain
iii. Muksyas
iv. Bhatoli
v. Haddal
vi. Chillibala
17. Dharyori i. Shingni
ii. Kakoo
iii. Batara
iv. Amersinghpura
v. Gwaloo
vi. Trithloo
vii. Dharyori
18. Kharangal i. Dalein
ii. Rela
iii. Angnol
iv. Sinudalori
v. Kharangal
vi. Rajpura
vii. Bheja
viii. Luddu
ix. Chounri
x. Drai
19. Gandoh i. Bhargi
ii. Dhadkai
iii. Kandoloo
iv. Konan
v. Gili
vi. Gandoh
20. Kilhotran i. Amersinghpura
ii. Thaloran
iii. Kilhotran
iv. Smai
v. Porapain
vi. Porabala
21. Dadwar i. Gawari
ii. Achher
iii. Dhonsa
iv. Dadwar
v. Changa
vi. Hiloor
vii. Bharti
22. Chensar i. Chensar
ii. Mandhan
iii. Chachloo
iv. Gurekra
v. Inharra
vi. Tantli
23. Khaljugasar i. Khaljugasar
ii. Ganshana
iii. Bhatmas
iv. Chantibala
v. Chantipain
vi. Alnigangota
24. Kansoo i. Kansoo
ii. Bathri
iii. Dichhal
iv. Indlu
v. Bhatoli
vi. Dharyouth
vii. Piyakal
viii. Kuthyara
Total: 24 Patwar Halqas 172 Villages






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