Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kashmir and UNCIP resolution of 1948

Kashmiri is right up to a point except when he says that UNCIP resolution of 1948 called for withdrawal of Indian troops. 

It called for reduction of Indian troops to the levels sufficient to assists in maintenance of law and order while it called for complete withdrawal of all Pakistani citizens not ordinarily citizens of POK.

There was no room left for any Pakistani to remain on soil. This fact is conveniently forgotten by Pakistansi and their acolytes. 

Now this UNCIP resolution is defunct since it can not be implemented because of demographic manipulations undertaken at the behest of Pakistan by expulsion of non-moslems from Kashmir province. 

Furthermore the Pakistan of 1948 ceased to exist with birth of Bangladesh in 1971. 

Even the UN has declared that UNCIP resolutions are difficult to implement. 

Finally UNCIP resolutions were non-binding, and Pakistan by refusing to vacate POK fired the first salvo of defiance.

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