Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shaukat M Malik in the Pakistani Spectator states on Hijab

Shaukat M Malik in the Pakistani Spectator states:"To wear the Hijab is certainly NOT an Islamic obligation on women. It is an innovation of men suffering from a piety complex who are so weak spiritually that they just cannot trust themselves!...It is the total Hijab and burqa as worn by many Muslim women in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere that clearly isolates them from society while also violating their rights, (WHICH ARE), "ESSENTIALLY HER DIVINE RIGHT TO BREATHE NORMALLY AND NOT BE FORCED TO INHALE HER OWN EXHALED AIR." 

Lack of sufficient oxygen, or cerebral hypoxia, is when there is a decrease of oxygen supply to the brain even though there is adequate blood flow. This happens when the person is breathing too much carbon dioxide relative to the amount of oxygen breathed. Symptoms of mild cerebral hypoxia include inattentiveness, poor judgment, memory loss, and a decrease in motor coordination. Brain cells are extremely sensitive to oxygen deprivation and can begin to die within five minutes after oxygen supply has been cut off.

For this very reason, not to mention others too numerous to list here,including the lack of vitamin D from never being exposed to sunlight, the burqa should not be encouraged in a civilised society.

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