Friday, October 8, 2010

Afghanistan:: The Genesis of the Final Crusade by Abid Ullah Jan (Author)

Afghanistan:: The Genesis of the Final Crusade 
by Abid Ullah Jan (Author)


Editorial Reviews

-For those seeking the facts behind the war on Islam, I recommend it highly.- -Enver Masud, Author of A war on Islam.

-I agree that most people ignore the invasion of Afghanistan but that can be easily explained: most anti-war spokespeople are phonies. We have to hunt the real 9/11 perpetrators as strong as also the phony oppositions." -Nico Haupt, investigative journalist living in New York.

"A contrived 9/11 to motivate the Masses to go forth and destroy radical Islam is certainly not an irrational theory because secular politics does not exist in the United States in the 21st century. Conquering entire sovereign Muslim nations, controlling vast areas of the Muslim world, is a rational investigative theory when viewed from the perspective of fundamentalist Christian foreign policy. Fundamentalist Islam, in the form of a Caliphate (Khilafat), is indeed considered to be a substantial threat to Western civilization. [The book's] focus on religion being a dominant force in American Middle East foreign policy is correct." -James D. Sanders, Author of The Downing of TWA Flight 800.

--This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.
Product Description

The first book that systematically deconstructs the myths about the Taliban, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the 'legitimacy' of the war of aggression on Afghnaistan and Al-Qaeda.
About the Author
The author received his early education at missionary schools. He was familiar with many Christian concepts when, under Pope John-Paul II the Vatican called for a dialogue with other religions. As part of this initiative, in 1979-80 the author was invited as a lay Muslim to deliver a series of talks on Islam to some Roman Catholic nuns. This led him to look at the Bible from a Muslim perspective, and his interest grew as he learnt more about the misconceptions and historical factors that have alienated Christians from Islam. The impact of this on world events prompted further study and reflection, the results of which appeared partly as some press articles in 1998. Notes made during the study in more than a quarter of a century have now been updated and are presented in this book. In Thy Seed looks at the Bible from a completely new angle, and also discusses some related aspects to help clarify the issues. Though the author presents his findings from the point of view of a Muslim, he does it in a spirit of conciliation and to promote understanding. Developments following 9/11 make such a work both relevant and urgent, and it is hoped that the book will contribute to developing a better relationship among the world?s great monotheistic faiths and bring them closer. Different branches of the same tree, they count around one half of the world?s population as their adherents, and can together bring harmony and peace to a troubled world.

This review is from: Afghanistan:: The Genesis of the Final Crusade (Paperback)
Afghanistan: The Genesis of the Final Crusade is a master piece of research on the subject of occupation of afghanistan. The more than 600 footnotes initself is an evidence of the thoroughness of research and putting scattered pieces together. Interestingly, all this information is available in public domain but most of the anlysts are dedicated to shat happens today. they lose sight of what happened yesterday. they do not look at the bigger picture. This books put all factors and forces in context.

The book startes with establishing the facts that the war on Afghanistan after 9/11 was pre-planned. The author compiled a huge amount of undeniable evidence to prove this point.

Then he moves to the question of WHY, which none of the analysts have tried to answer: why war on Afghanistan after all? He explains the motivational forces behind the planned war on Afghanistan.

In the next chapter, the author shows the real faces, the architects of War.

The chapter titled, "The Real challenge" is the aspect which none of the political science experts, neither from the East nor from the West, have ever tried to discover. In this chapter the autor explains the crus of his assessment and elaborates what is the challenge that forces Islamophobes into bloody adventures in the Muslim world.

The book goes on and on to elaborate and consolidate the conclusions. The chapter, "From jihad to Crusade," explains the history of foreign interventions in Afghan affairs and the Taliban's actual crimes.

In Chapter 5 the author gives first hand information from Afghanistan and establishes that Arabs were set up for the 9/11 operation.

Chapter 6 deals challenges legitimacy of the war on Afghanistan which has been universally accepted as justified. The book ends with confirmation of the motivational factors behind the war which were described inthe beginning of the book. A great work.


This is the first book of its kind that presents a compelling insider's perspective with some valuable insight into the war and occupation of Afghanistan.

Abid Jan takes you into the minds of the warriors on the battle field in Afghanistan and to the heart of the decisions that put them there. In this remarkable piece of work, the author nails the tragedy and absurdity of the prep-planned war on Afghanistan. Abid Jan has harnessed his first hand knowledge and in-depth analysis to produce a work of incantatory power in which the lies and misinformation about the Taliban are allowed to collapse by sheer weight of accumulation.

This book gives the first and only clearest and most persuasive explanation of how Osama bin Laden was set up for shouldering the blame of 9/11 attacks, why the Taliban become a prime target of Islamophobes and why perpetrators of 9/11 felt the need to commit this heinous crime.

Written with great clarity and precision, this book exposes the extra ordinary religious motivation and political hypocrisy behind the march to war on Afghanistan.

This is the first book which does more than devastatingly refute the mendacity of the US Afghanistan policy and proves that the war on Afghanistan is illegal and illegitimate by all standards of international law. Abid Jan presents a chilling portrait of the religious forces which have commandeered American foreign policy, revealing the arrogance, assumptions and contradictions about Islam that have had such disastrous consequences, not only for Afghanistan but the world at large.


"For those seeking the facts behind the war on Islam, I recommend it highly."

-Enver Masud, Author of A war on Islam

I agree that most people ignore the invasion of Afghanistan but that can be easily explained: most anti-war spokespeople are phonies. We have to hunt the real 9/11 perpetrators as strong as also the phony oppositions. In my earlier 2001/2002 articles I showed how the Afghanistan war was planned years in advance. In late 2001, I was possibly the first one who presented the PNAC papers and warned about a very obvious invasion into Iraq as well. I'm doing the same about a pending world war but many citizens are still the victim of a calculated deception and brainwash campaign."

-Nico Haupt, investigative journalist and computer specialist living in New York

"A contrived 9/11 to motivate the Masses to go forth and destroy radical Islam is certainly not an irrational theory because secular politics does not exist in the United States in the 21st century. Conquering entire sovereign Muslim nations, controlling vast areas of the Muslim world, is a rational investigative theory when viewed from the perspective of fundamentalist Christian foreign policy. Fundamentalist Islam, in the form of a Caliphate (Khilafat), is indeed considered to be a substantial threat to Western civilization. [The book's] focus on religion being a dominant force in American Middle East foreign policy is correct."

-James D. Sanders, Author of The Downing of TWA Flight 800, Altered Evidence, Soldiers of Misfortune, The Men We Left Behind and First Strike.

Bush's invasion of Afghanistan had nothing to do with the events of 9/11. In fact, the invasion was planned long before that day and, furthermore, Bin Laden is on public record as stating he had nothing to do with the events of that fateful day. No convincing material evidence, despite numerous requests to produce it, has been provided to refute Bin Laden's statement. Sadly, even most of the progressive left believe the White House version of the events of 9/11 and that Bin Laden masterminded and carried out the murderous attacks. Abid Jan correctly and convincingly argues that the invasion of Afghanistan, merely 25 days after 9/11, was in fact the beginning of a crusade against Islam and Muslims in the name of a fanatical brand of evangelical Christianity under the guise of promoting freedom and democracy. Of course oil and Bush's desire to exert America's supremacy were also motivating factors. But the world was duped into thinking that the invasion was a payback for 9/11 when in fact the 9/11 attacks were a pre-calculated pretext. Don't take my word for it, read Abid Jan's latest book and see for yourself.

-Yahya Abdul Rahman, Editor Montreal Muslim News


Abid Ullah Jan is the author of A War on Islam? (2001), The End of Democracy (2003) and The Musharraf Factor (2005). He is a political analyst and journalist from Pakistan, currently residing in Canada. A frequent commentator on global politics, his write-ups are published widely in various leading publications around the world.

The author is born and raised in Northern part of Pakistan, adjacent to Afghanistan. He interviewed the Taliban officials and visited various communities in Afghanistan on a UNDP mission to specifically assess policies of the Taliban government and their impact on local development initiatives. The objective was to find out if specific community development interventions were possible under the Taliban.

Abid Jan interviewed Osama bin Laden and Dr. Ayman El-Zawahiri a few weeks before 9/11 in connection of one of his books on terrorism. In this book the author is sharing some information for the first time which he could not get published in press or media in Pakistan for the fear of backlash of Osama-sympathizers without understanding the broader context.

The author's interview with Osama and Dr. Ayman in the crucial days before September 11 is critical in exposing some myths, such as Arabs were ruling Afghanistan by proxy during the Taliban reign and that Osama was capable of planning and implementing the 9/11 terrorist operation from Afghanistan. In this book, the author shows how Osama was set up into making the statement that "we are about to do something" to the author and possibly others.


INTRODUCTION The Pre-planned Aggression

CHAPTER 1 The Motivational Force Behind The War

CHAPTER 2 The Architects of War
The Main Reason for the Crusade
Faith in Force or Super-fascism
The Fear of Khilafah, Not "Terrorism"

CHAPTER 3 The Real Challenge

CHAPTER 4 From Jihad to Crusade
Beginning Of the Last Crusade
Crusaders vs. the Taliban
At Odds With Islam
Reality Behind the Taliban-Phobia
Avoiding the Real Issue
The Taliban's Actual Crimes

CHAPTER 5 The Staged 9/11: Pre-Planned Crusade Begins

Bush's Involvement
Analysts' Perspective of the 9/11
Bush Administration's Unusual Response
Contrary to Commonsense 185
The Unsubstantiated Allegation Against the Taliban
Pre-Conceived Conclusions
"Inside job" Was Not Without a Reason

CHAPTER 6 Legitimacy of the War and Occupation

Building On the Crusaders' Agenda
Lost Between the Fact and Fiction
Occupation Is Not for Humanitarian Reasons
Paving the Way for Dislodging The Taliban
Illegality of the War

CHAPTER 7 Extreme Intolerance: A Sign of Religious Vengeance
The Use of Illegal Weapons
War Crimes, Religion and Muslim Prisoners

CONCLUSION The Real Motives Confirmed
The Crux of the Matter
About the Author


WHILE condemnations for Iraq's occupation continue to dominate the headlines, Afghanistan has slipped beyond the radar screens of both the so-called mainstream media as well as the anti-war groups and independent web bloggers. For the most part critics of the American empire on the left have also approved the official story of 9/11 and the rationale behind the war and occupation of Afghanistan.

For the first time in the history of nation-states, the occupation of a sovereign state has been globally accepted as fully legitimate. The silence and assumed legitimacy of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan are directly proportional to the Taliban's presumed illegitimacy and the official story of 9/11. Many researchers are exposing the truth behind the official story. However, there is hardly anyone willing to unearth the very foundations of the Taliban's presumed illegitimacy.

The co-opted media and other vested interests played a pivotal role in indoctrinating minds which now consider the occupation of Afghanistan as a benevolent exercise. In fact, it is far worse than the Soviet occupation, which was, at least, reviewed and condemned at the United Nations on almost a monthly basis.

Today, we are witnessing a strange paradox. While support for Bush's War in Iraq is ebbing away due to relentless pressure by the many anti-war movements, the war goes on in Afghanistan without any meaningful criticism from any quarter. Those, who criticize the voluminous lies and deceptions regarding the Iraq war, are proving themselves to be unwitting victims of much bigger lies with regards to the war of aggression on Afghanistan.

Independent researchers challenge the official story of 9/11, but hardly anyone attempts to connect the dots to see that the bloody drama of 9/11 was staged in order to create a pretext for invading Afghanistan. Like the lies about Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), 9/11 was used to justify the invasion of Afghanistan. The lies about Iraq's WMD and the official story of 9/11 are mere ruses used to wage wars which were planned well in advance.

Unfortunately, despite many researchers drawing the conclusion that 9/11 was an "inside job," there is hardly any move to show that 9/11 was a small part of a bigger plan. Analysts are studying facts surrounding the mysterious collapse of WTC towers and the "stand down" of the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD). However, they ignore that the why 9/11 aspect is just as important as the how.

Invasion of Afghanistan was the first military step towards institutionalizing the war against a faith based on praxis, rather than theoretical theological formulations. In the case of Iraq, the motives seem slightly different due to a mix of arrogance, revenge and greed. In the case of Afghanistan, however, the motivation came from the crusading spirit, determined to never allow Muslims to live by Islam.

There is no other explanation to the contrary. Sane minds would never commit the heinous crime of 9/11 against their own people without the hope of achieving higher objectives than mere oil and pipelines-objectives, which they may consider worth killing 3000 Americans, destroying the landmark buildings and hitting the Pentagon. This book digs out the facts to show the real motives behind 9/11 and the consequences of considering occupation of Afghanistan as legitimate.

Even those who agree with the official story admit that the U.S. administration had "prior knowledge." The question they ignore is that if the administration lied, if the administration ignored warnings, why did it do so? What was the motive? What did it want to gain from allowing these barbaric acts against its own people? The answer is simple: to pave the way for invasion and occupation of Afghanistan for which the administration could not come up with a convincing pretext.

The answer to the next important question, "Why Afghanistan?" lies in the explanation given in the following chapters.

Furthermore, some researchers, such as A. S. Adler, are now coming to the conclusion that the United States' "judgment of the Taliban was seriously mistaken and the overthrow of their regime unjustified." In a public introductory letter about his book, As thou Goest by the Way, A.S. Adler writes: "[the Taliban] appear to have been what they claimed to be: carefully observant Moslems with no interest in attacking the US or in harboring those who would commit such acts. As an Islamic government they were required by their own sense of duty to God to provide a suitable judicial proceeding under Moslem law for any accused before that person could be turned over for punishment. Our response to them-essentially a combination of threats and bribes-was as likely to succeed with them as using the same techniques to try to get them to eat pork in public."

Despite admitting the core reality, these researchers doubt that sanctions, attacks and war against the Taliban was religiously motivated. This book provides extensive documentation to prove that such sentiment exists and the scale of the religious offensive is so vast that anti-Taliban sentiments arising from other sources hardly matter. The best of other anti-Taliban sources include: The various cleptocracies of Central Asia-dependent on Western support for their survival; the Big Brother backers in the Security Council-hardly any less Islamophobic than the United States; the secularists, feminists, gays, statue lovers, big time drug dealers and their state sponsors-equally used as pawns in promoting anti-Taliban campaign. This book shows how these groups and individuals alone could not effectively demonize, let alone overthrow, the Taliban without the support of covert crusaders in the U.S. "mainstream" media, politics, academia and military.

Of course, there was a need-on the part of the Clinton Administration to respond to the bombings of the East African Embassies-even if it understood that the Taliban had nothing to do with those bombings. However, this need was the result of a much wider anti-Taliban campaign. One needs to ask, how did this need arise in the first place? Who was behind the campaign and what was the motivation?

Arguing that Clinton needed to respond is no different than saying Bush Administration needed to respond after 9/11. The question is: Who was behind the terrorist attacks and why did they need 9/11? This book deconstructs the myth that the U.S. administration was caught with their pants down and it had to show its resolve and competency. It is na?ve to believe that it went after the Taliban- a regime that almost nobody cared for-merely to look tough. The question is: Why did no body care for the Taliban? Who brought situation to this extent, particularly if researchers, such as A.S. Adler, now conclude that the Taliban were "carefully observant Moslems with no interest in attacking the US or in harboring those who would commit such acts."

Based on discussions with the Taliban officials and the "Al-Qaeda" leaders, and first had observation of the Taliban rule, this book is an attempt to expose the real motives behind demonizing the Taliban, the execution of 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan.

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