Thursday, October 7, 2010

Efforts to implement Dixon plan underway: Forum Against Dixon Plan (FADP) STAFF REPORTER

Efforts to implement Dixon plan underway: Forum Against Dixon Plan (FADP)

Posted by Administrator on Jun 10th, 2010


JAMMU: “A sinister process seems to have been set into motion to divide Jammu Province along the Chenab River on communal lines and facilitate the emergence of Greater Kashmir, comprising the Valley and Muslim majority areas of Jammu and Ladakh” informed Bali Bhagat Convener Forum Against Dixon Plan (FADP). Interacting with media here on Wednesday, Bali said that the adoption of the Chenab Valley Autonomous Hill Council Resolution in Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Council, without any opposition, from any political party, and many other administrative measures taken by the State Government in recent times have almost clearly established that concerted moves are afoot to implement the Dixon Plan.

It is also now obvious that a significant section of the top echelons of Indian political class, cutting across party lines, are toying with the idea of a compromise with Pakistan to accommodate its sinister designs on Jammu and Kashmir. It is no surprise that the original Dixon Plan is being disguised in the wraps of Musharaf Formula, Kathwari Plan, Greater Autonomy or Self-rule. The National Conference and the PDP have been making regular forays into various areas of Jammu province to polarise communal opinion in favour of Greater Kashmir. The entire process has a bearing on the very survival of minorities across the length and breadth of the State. The authority of the Government of India in the State and its commitment to protect secular imperatives stands undermined, as never before since the independence of the country. The situation is even worse than the era when the British Rulers embarked upon carving out Pakistan in the Muslim majority areas of the undivided India. There is a large corpus of opinion in these areas which still believes that the GOI and the political class will never indulge in such a treachery. It is a situation similar to when the people living in Lahore before the partition, believed in the assurances of Gandhi and Nehru that partition of the country shall never become a reality.

The holocaust that followed the country’s partition is bound to replicate given the fact that religious cleansing in Kashmir Valley has not shaken the reckless Indian Political class. In this situation, all right thinking people, particularly in Jammu Province have a greater responsibility to stop another partition and prevent the impending holocaust. The FADP is an attempt at rescuing the threatened minorities and to defend the unity and integrity of the Jammu Province, cutting across all religious and political loyalties and affiliations. The objective of FADP is neither regional nor local, but essentially national. It is to prevent the balkanisation of the nation.

In this endeavour the Forum will strive to mobilise the opinion in Jammu province against the votaries of Dixon Plan. The Forum will undertake to educate people about content of Dixon Plan and its dangerous fall out.

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