Thursday, October 7, 2010

Interesting times are a’coming, that’s for sure

Interesting times are a’coming, that’s for sure

Islam is a brittle system. Its mechanisms operates smoothly enough provided the number of distractions or challenges are few, explaining why Muslim leaders, following Mohammed’s example, do not allow dissent. They understand that should dissent enter and certain age-old practices questioned, the vibrations could be devastating. Akin to a top-loading washing machine whose load has become unbalanced: the machine begins to make very loud noises and very strange movements which increase in intensify to the point that the machine stops.

Today, Islam is one the march; it has an certain undeniable confidence about itself. But its marching forward into the camps of the infidels carries great risk. Its votaries (to use Churchill’s descriptor of Muslims (The River Wars, 1899)) are being exposed to ideas that had never been heard in a 24/7 Muslim culture.

Now in the usual case, Muslims, like those in other parts of the world when they too are exposed to the truth, will simple ignore it. As Churchill once said, many people trip over the truth at various points in their lives, but most simply get up, dust themselves off, and go about life’s journey as if nothing had ever happened. So too with Muslims. To many the well thought-out criticisms about Islam coming from the West will simply go over their heads.

But not every Muslim will react this way. Some might actually think about the comments and begin to ask questions. Which is the very last things the mullahs and imams want them to do. And some of those questioners might be Muslim women who, because of photos, videos, DVDs, the internet and so forth, get to see how women in other parts of the world, notably the West, are treated. And they might begin to ask questions. Again, the last thing the mullahs and imams want.

Because of Islam’s inherent attribute of brittleness, and its inability to take an intellectual punch, Islam is incapable of dealing with and absorbing the shock of new knowledge in the hands of its votaries.

Interesting times are a’coming, that’s for sure.

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