Sunday, June 13, 2010

If the hand which is to wield the surgeon’s scalpel itself in rotten with gangrene, how can it self construct?

If the hand which is to wield the surgeon’s scalpel itself in rotten with gangrene, how can it self construct? 

It is only when Indians are abroad that they are shamed into embarrassment about the crass corruption and loot in India. Corruption is the gravest internal & external security threat facing India, not Maoists or Pakistan, and Manmohan would have done well to address it. 

But how can he? If the hand which is to wield the surgeon’s scalpel itself in rotten with gangrene, how can it self construct?

Japan is known to be corrupt. USA and even countries in Europe too are corrupt but only in the rarefied altitude of boardrooms. They have successfully managed to barricade sleaze within the club of  rich and powerful.

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