Thursday, June 10, 2010

UN discussion about the Kashmir issue-- “WHOSE LAND IS IT ANY WAY?”

I want to share this story with you and the other readers. Perhaps you may have already heard about it. Once there was a meeting in UN to discuss about the Kashmir issue. 

The Indian representative started to say, “Before I present the papers regarding India’s stand on this issue, I want to tell every one present here about how Kashmir got its name. More than 5000 years ago, the entire Kashmir Valley was immersed in water and was known as Satisar Lake. A Hindu Brahmin called Rishi Kashyap converted the vast lake into a beautiful valley thru’ his hard meditation and austerities and asked all the Hindu Brahmins to come and live there. It was then known as Kashyapmir (in his name) which later became Kashmir. One day when he was taking his bath in the lake, leaving his clothes on the hills of Baramulla, a Muslim guy stole his clothes”

At this point, the representative from Pakistan got up angrily and interrupted the Indian guy shouting, “Why are you accusing the Muslims? Muslims weren’t even there at that time. Islam wasn’t even born then”. The Indian representative smiled and said, “This is precisely the point I want to make, he admitted it and everybody heard him. Now you decide about Kashmir, “WHOSE LAND IS IT ANY WAY?”

And this is the point the whole non-muslim world has to make and send all of them back to the place where they originally came from—-THE BARREN DESERTS OF ARABIA! 

If they were born in our lands, let them convert back to the faith of their ancestors, the original inhabitants of the land they occupy.

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