Monday, June 14, 2010

UID-- see this century as the century of identification

The author of the attachment has not been able to make a good case against UID, even though points like Hitler's mass abuse should arouse attention. But then so were things like gun powder abused. By now mankind has come to believe that it ends up finding antidotes for all evils that it creates. So no one will ever be deterred by such issues.

Ask the poor migrants how thrilled they are at getting UID and you will understand. ask the people in the border areas and they might give mixed response. yet, asset enumeration is a must for any society where rights and priviledges are linked with identities. You have failed to notice that animal identification is going on quietly but at a agreater speed. Why? Even those doing it do not know. 

Even though I seem to be advocationg for the UID, I am not. I have no opinion. All I know is that this is an unstoppable, inescapable storm that will inundate the world. 

Crazy disruptions are possible in the structure of the world economic order and it is one technology route that could ultimately empower the distributed and fragmented citizens of the world by uniting them in one virtual cosmic environment. From thence, where they go will depend entirely upon them. I would thus see this century as the century of identification.

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